Audio Transcription:
Hey guys welcome back to the Pro Tech Guy channel I wanted to do a quick video Kind of a follow up to my last major video that I did when Microsoft gave me a call. Now I have customers asking I have people asking on YouTube channel on the comments. So I wanted to explain what exactly happens when they call and you let them into your computer.
Now as you can see in the video we didn’t get that far because I didn’t want to spend more time on cleaning up with their screwing up there was nothing on the computer anyway, there was a brand new fresh build, fresh OS installed so that’s nothing to worry about per say really, it was connected to the network so I did’t really wanna risk anything, I didn’t have the time to isolate the computer on the network to do a full in depth test to see exactly what this number would call Called what they would actually do.
So I wanna do a quick video of what exactly happens when they get into your computer. So first and foremost, you’re probably watching this video if they already gotten in your computer, or if you’re just kinda curious on what exactly happens so if you haven’t watched the original video and when they called me you better watch the kind of set up base of what exactly happens if you are not familiar with the scam yet, but what happens is they call in they say they are from Microsoft, they say there is an issue with their computer and they gotta remote in to fix it.
So there is a few things that can happen they can remote in tell you you have a bunch of Viruses or Malware and things like that and offer you this antivirus iii any antivirus or anti-malware program that will fix the problem right so as many of you may or may not know if you get a virus and you Install an antivirus that doesn’t solve the problem, the virus is already infected with the computer and it’s already doing has done what it’s designed to do usually something negative right.
So that’s one option they can sell you this overpriced scammy antivirus program that will really do nothing for you at best I mean even if it’s a legit antivirus iii that is not how you solve a computer problem, or how you solve a virus malware infection. That’s one option, that’s really the best of all of them, the second option is they try to sell you this plan is like manage service plan and I keep using this air quotes cuz they are not really what We do as professionals in the industry these are all scams none of them are legit, if they were legit and these people were actually if this were legit professional companies and they were cold calling you to see if you have an issue then they wouldn’t tell you if you have an issue cuz there is nowhere for them to see your computer And they wouldn’t be claiming that from Microsoft so keep that in mind.
So the second thing is when they remote in and they try to sell you this plan it’s some hundred dollars a month, you either accept it and it has a scam right there you are not getting anything for your two, three, four, five hundred dollars that you paid for the year, or Pre-decline it they sabotage your computer and that’s when things get really interesting and that’s where a lot of the scams can lie so when they sabotage your computer for whatever reason you deny their service or you say you don’t wanna do anything more, they already have access to your computer right and most people who are not professionals in the industry You don’t know how to remove that access so they can remotely manage your computer anytime whether you are sleeping, as long as your computer is on and has an internet connection they can most likely remote in.
So they can sabotage it in many ways they could put cryptolocker if you haven’t heard of that I’ll probably do a video on it soon or you can YouTube it or Google it It’s a pretty wide spread issue and well known issue. There is different revisions of it. I think one, two and three and then they are kinda evolving from the third iteration of the the infection.
So crypt a lock will basically in a nutshell will basically lock all the files in a computer. ask you for encryption key that you basically have to buy for three hundred and some more dollars the n you present them, you give them that money they give you the key to unlock it and you may or may not actually unlock your files then you still have the whole [INAUDIBLE] still have access to my computer Get in who really knows unless you have a professional come in and look at it.
The second thing is they can lock your computer down with a like a Sis admin password, It’s different than a regular windows login you kind of lock the computer those are fairly easy to resolve but for us professionals but. but it’s not a situation you really wanna be in, in the first place.
They can steal your credit card information, they can steal passwords, you might store in a computer. A lot of people think passwords for these programmes and Windows, and Outlook are much more secure than they actually are in real world and unfortunately a lot of people use the same password for everything so they pull this password.
Let’s say it’s and the password is 12345, you use 12345 for everything then they know your password and your email that you’ve probably used for everything else. So it’s very easy to get in there, it’s very easy to get those passwords and put them on the computer especially for people that all they do is they scam people and they steal stuff.
So, keep that in mind and they can just put traditional malware, viruses and things in your computer as a sabotage fact or basically to entice you to buy their programs, they You say hey. You say no they worn a couple of usually pop up coming up the computer is slow. You might say I gotta call Microsoft back this scammers.
And I need a computer fixed I will by you a $300 service plan or whatever it is. That’s how I get you on that scam. And not only you are you buying. buying most likely a scammy software from them but you’re also giving them your credit card information, or your banking information and who knows what they will do with it after that? So here’s what you got to do, this is the takeaway, okay? Here’s what you got to do if you haven’t not watched this video before To the fact shut the computer off immediately disconnect it from the internet.
Okay if you are disconnect it from power and unplug if you are using a cable. just to be sure it’s offline. And maybe you it went into maybe you think you shut it out. Those are two ways to be sure the computer is no way for some one to get into it from the internet obviously some one can physically save the computer but.
we’re not worried about that right now. Call a professional, someone in your area, if I’m in your area give me a call, I’ll definitely take care of that for you. You wanna be sure that there’s nothing on the computer that they can get into. So really what the ultimate solution here is to completely wipe off the computer, back up your personal files if necessary if you don’t already have back ups and please if you’re watching this video right now and it hasn’t happened to you get a backup solution.
I’ll put a link in the description below you guys can grab that over there it’s a really good company that I like to work with called Hold back please and let me back up five dollars a month, it is cheap, cheap, cheap insurance for more things than just this type of stuff right.
Get that done if you haven’t done it already if you are watching this video after then hopefully you have back ups already set So the professional working on a computer can just resort those back ups. That’s really the best way to handle it because they don’t what to do to the computer, you don’t know what programs they got on there they don’t know what they might have stolen, you store credit care information.
So people still store passwords and credit card information. In Notepad files on a desktop I was extremely vulnerable if you are a scammer and you go into a computer and you see let me click on that notepad document there that says credit card and password or whatever it may be those are things that they can steal or they could steal other people’s information on our computer.
Maybe you have an address list, an email address list, they can start targeting and scamming all of those people and you’d really hate to be responsible for that. So please secure your stuff, backup your stuff. If you’re watching this after the infection shut your computer down, disconnect from the Internet and call a professional.
I just wanted To make this quick video for you guys. Hopefully I got all my thoughts across. It’s kind of a one-off, just thought of it today. Saw somebody in the computer professionals group that I belong to and I figured this might be helpful for my customers, potential customers, YouTube people out there, you guys watching this video thank you very much, or if you know someone who might benefit from this video please share it out to them.
Until next time, I’ll see you guys later and thanks for watching.